Founder’s Statement

Dear readers,

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of the oldest technical universities in Russia. For more than 180 years of its history our University has trained tens of thousands of specialists for the construction industry, in the field of architecture and design, creation of transport infrastructure. Scientific researches of scientists of the University have always been not only fundamental but also applied and were aimed at solving the most complicated engineering, technical, economic and environmental problems.
It was the presence of a major scientific school and good research traditions that led us to the establishment and publication of the journal, which could give a new impetus to the exchange of scientific research results between scientists from different countries in such areas as: architecture, urban planning and development, transport, business and management, geotechnology and engineering geology, civil engineering and calculation of building structures, resistance of materials, construction of buildings and structures. The processes of globalization and information availability can help us share knowledge, new ideas and approaches, and thus make our cooperation in a rapidly changing world a reality. Our journal Architecture and Engineering is dedicated to these goals and objectives.

Good luck!
Professor Evgeny Rybnov
Rector of the Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)